卡纳设计 | 江南壹号院:现代设计“忆”江南
pchouse佚名 2018-11-21 12:18:55

  — 样板间 —

  -Sample room-

卡纳设计 | 江南壹号院:现代设计“忆”江南


  CAC Design Group has created two types of showrooms for the company – French white and modern. The styles are different, but the same aim, adding a warmth and nature to the people returning home, showing the humanism and naturalistic spirit of the Jiangnan water town.

卡纳设计 | 江南壹号院:现代设计“忆”江南


  French white emphasizes elegance, nature and coziness. The style is not limited to the size of space. With white space, it creates a comfortable and free atmosphere for those who return home. In the inter-model space design, the designer uses a large area of marble to decorate the wall, which is one of the space blanks. The marble walls and the fireplace-like tables and marble coffee tables echo each other, demonstrating the charm of nature.

卡纳设计 | 江南壹号院:现代设计“忆”江南

卡纳设计 | 江南壹号院:现代设计“忆”江南


  The modern style of the model room design, focusing on the perfect combination of space layout and use functions, the shape is simple, stylish, unpretentious, young and bright. Every touch of the designer is to outline the delicate life, let the people who live in it "return to the heart" and rest the soul.

卡纳设计 | 江南壹号院:现代设计“忆”江南


  The two model spaces are connected by a staircase. The handrails on both sides of the stairs are made of glass on one side of the floor-to-ceiling windows and opaque white lacquered panels on the other side. Climb up the stairs, such as walking between the real and the real. Under the stairs, a silver art installation like a waterdrop, in the light and shadow, is like a wave of water ripples.

卡纳设计 | 江南壹号院:现代设计“忆”江南



  近20年来, 卡纳设计在地产开发商项目(样板房、售楼处)、酒店、商业空间、办公空间、别墅豪宅,以及家具制作等多个领域深耕,凭借“打破风格限制”、“探索文化边界”的设计精神,以及丰富的品牌合作经验,致力于“构筑一切空间,并创造空间的一切”,为客户设计完善的商业发展解决方案和生活方式服务方案,获得业界广泛认可。


  近年来,卡纳设计屡获国内外知名设计大奖,包括有60多年历史的德国GERMAN DESIGN AWARD、被《泰晤士报》称为室内设计界“奥斯卡奖”的 APDC、专业级设计赛事亚太区室内设计大赛APIDA、北美著名设计大奖GRANDSPRIX DU DESIGN、金外滩奖、地产设计大奖、IDEA-TOPS等等,还曾荣膺“博雅中国品牌100强”称号,被建筑和设计界主流媒体广泛关注和报道。

卡纳设计 | 江南壹号院:现代设计“忆”江南

创办人暨首席设计官/ 张炜伦

Founder & CDO /Karen Chang


  Since thefoundation of CAC in 1999, Ms. Karen Chang has accumulated rich experiences incooperating with international teams. She has worked on many classic spaces indifferent cities and brought in various inspirational ideas to contemporaryspace design. She is strengthened in establishing strong connection between manand space as well as in envisioning the potential of space design in the era ofconsistence as well as contemporary trend of commercial space design.

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