SSD上森设计 | 温柔予光,会呼吸的居所
· 户型图
设计单位 ︱ 深圳上森室内建筑设计有限公司
Design︱ Shenzhen Shang Sen Design Interior Co., Ltd
项目业主 ︱ 奥园地产集团
Project︱AOYUAN Group Co., Ltd.
项目名称 ︱合肥包河区龙川路BH8-39复式别墅
Project ︱ Villa Project H8-39 Road, Heifei
项目地点 ︱ 安徽合肥
Address ︱ Hefei
项目面积 ︱251 m²
Area ︱ 251 m²
Case Design | X.H. Guang/Yu Jie/Na Zhang
设计时间 ︱ 2020.12
Time︱ 2020.12
Design︱ Shenzhen Shang Sen Design Interior Co., Ltd
项目业主 ︱ 奥园地产集团
Project︱AOYUAN Group Co., Ltd.
项目名称 ︱合肥包河区龙川路BH8-39复式别墅
Project ︱ Villa Project H8-39 Road, Heifei
项目地点 ︱ 安徽合肥
Address ︱ Hefei
项目面积 ︱251 m²
Area ︱ 251 m²
Case Design | X.H. Guang/Yu Jie/Na Zhang
设计时间 ︱ 2020.12
Time︱ 2020.12
· 客厅
The duplex space structure of the original building lacked daylighting. As far as space is concerned, light is life, because space is irradiated by the light environment to produce life.
Starting from the Light and Nature, the designer tries to improve the spatial layout of the original building and perfect the functional positioning.
The duplex space structure of the original building lacked daylighting. As far as space is concerned, light is life, because space is irradiated by the light environment to produce life.
Starting from the Light and Nature, the designer tries to improve the spatial layout of the original building and perfect the functional positioning.
The huge duplex living space is conceived as modern artistic living space under the shade of trees. The designer opens the door & window, and brings the natural greenery and soft skylight into the room, and keeps it.
The huge duplex living space is conceived as modern artistic living space under the shade of trees. The designer opens the door & window, and brings the natural greenery and soft skylight into the room, and keeps it.
The basement also introduces imitating skylight to create a specific order of light, giving a poem of quiet light and shadow. Light masters the soul of the space, and soft fabrics are used to soften the feelings of the space and create memories of materials and emotions.
The basement also introduces imitating skylight to create a specific order of light, giving a poem of quiet light and shadow. Light masters the soul of the space, and soft fabrics are used to soften the feelings of the space and create memories of materials and emotions.
The staircase area was dark and dull, so the designer introduces imitating light which giving the space another vivid soul. Through the box-shaped stairs and the wooden transparent fence, The element of light can be met.
The staircase area was dark and dull, so the designer introduces imitating light which giving the space another vivid soul. Through the box-shaped stairs and the wooden transparent fence, The element of light can be met.
· 卧室
The material carries the emotions, and the texture reflects the temperature.
In the simple color system, it is enough to feel the giving of the season & twilight. Dawn color, close to the wood, conveys the warmth of the world and everything, which is the spiritual yearning that the vanity world lacks.
The material carries the emotions, and the texture reflects the temperature.
In the simple color system, it is enough to feel the giving of the season & twilight. Dawn color, close to the wood, conveys the warmth of the world and everything, which is the spiritual yearning that the vanity world lacks.
· 儿童房
克卜勒在短篇「The Dream, or Lunar Astronomy」,在梦中漫步月球、回望地球与太阳、了解宇宙运行的奥秘后後梦醒的浪漫而温柔的小故事,是本次儿童区的灵感缪斯,抬头望星空,宇宙不深处遥遥可及,为未来星宿远航的憧憬布上温柔的仰望。
In the short story "The Dream, or Lunar Astronomy", Kepler walks on the moon in his dream, looks back at the earth and the sun, and learns the mystery of the universe. The romantic story is the inspiration for this children’s area. Looking up at the starry sky, the universe is not deep and far away.
In the short story "The Dream, or Lunar Astronomy", Kepler walks on the moon in his dream, looks back at the earth and the sun, and learns the mystery of the universe. The romantic story is the inspiration for this children’s area. Looking up at the starry sky, the universe is not deep and far away.
· 其他
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