The 4th Dimension X 实景案例 |黑白交错 化繁为简
风格 现代
黑白交错 化繁为简
Make things simple in black and white
大胆拆解 奇思妙想
Bold dismantling and fantasy
Home, is s a constantly evolving proposition
· 户型图
· 客厅
This is a case of demolishing all the hardbound houses, so in a sense, it is more like a case of overall planning. The homeowner, Ziying, is engaged in the fashion industry and has high standards and requirements for aesthetics. She pays for the geographical location, but does not agree with the interior design. She needs a space to fully express herself, which is why there is a fashionable presentation of black and white.
The original wall design has been removed and replaced with clean white lines. On the top, we use art paint to deepen the spatial hierarchy. Under such a clean background, more classic, collectible, artistic, and contemporary medieval furniture can be collected one by one.
家具的组合充满了奇妙,从家具界跨界挑到了时尚圈,只为选中最代表其个性的物件。于是,来自意大利Edra Flap沙发,释放出百变又前卫的造型;代表哥特、摇滚的Chrome Hearts却收敛着个性,安静躺在角落里,成为一个收纳架。
The combination of furniture is full of wonders, crossing from the furniture industry to the fashion circle, only selecting the most representative items of their personality. So, the Edra Flap sofa from Italy released a versatile and avant-garde design; Chrome Hearts, which represents Gothic and rock, has restrained its personality and quietly lies in a corner, becoming a storage rack.
The retro smiley face stereo, which has been popular for half a century, has become the home's installation art. This is the first gift from my best friend to the new home at the beginning of the design, and it is also the first piece of furniture for the new home, with extraordinary significance.
同样具有艺术收藏意义的,还有Zanotta Stella电话凳、荷兰艺术团队Rotganzen Studio为Kelly Wearstler Gallery所创作的限定钻石雕塑... 所有的艺术品、家具,让空间充满了张力,只为在某个瞬间,激发一个创意灵感。
Also of artistic collection significance, there are Zanotta Stella Chair and limited Diamond Sculpture for Kelly Wearstler Gallery... All artworks and furniture fill the space with tension, only to inspire a creative inspiration in a certain moment
This is Ziying's solitary time with the living room, and it is also a space for friends to laugh and play. So it is constantly changing and evolving. It constantly brings in new loved ones and is willing to embrace the excitement of all beautiful lives.
· 办公区
The open office area slowly emits a wonderful magnetic field around the limited Cassina sailing bookshelf, with a lightweight frame that makes Ziying's collections and decorations look like they are floating in the air.
The desk that matches the sailboat bookshelf is from the brand Agapecasa. The white marble maximizes the beauty of the material's hair, bringing an unbalanced aesthetic to the legs of the desk. Being filled or left blank, flower bouquets that change with the season, or decorations that change with mood are all the norm in life.
· 餐厅
If white is the background color of the living room, then the open kitchen area is filled with black. In the black, there are also luxury stones as spatial embellishments, and in the texture construction, it is clear that the design team pays tribute to the elegance of black and white.
· 厨房
The integration of the restaurant, central island, and kitchen cabinets presents multiple open walking lines, with a unified color scheme that strongly echoes. The interactive guest restaurant unleashed the excitement of young people's gatherings.
· 猫房
The original storage room was transformed into a playroom for three pets, and the retro grid door served as a partition to provide more natural light in the space. This is the best care and love we can give to special family members.
· 主卧套房
Pushing open the ceremonial double door in the public area, the master bedroom creates a completely opposite quiet atmosphere to the living room. Whether in terms of color and material, the rest area provides the strongest sense of security.
The space filled with platform beds is like Ziying's charging station. It is not just a simple residence, but more like a complete harbor. Be introverted and gentle, hidden and not exposed, and return to one's heart.
· 衣帽间
The cloakroom is nearly 40 square meters and consists of two secondary bedrooms. An Di summarized it as a love letter written by a woman to life, both warm and sincere. I think this is already the most accurate phrase.
Compared to the clean color scheme in the rest area, the cloakroom has once again been used in black, giving the master bedroom suite a sense of black and white once again. The black wood grain and mirror faced cabinet door exudes a strong Upper East District vibe.
· 卫生间
· 阳台

The two ends of the balcony are covered with green plants, not only in black and white, but also in touch with nature. Transforming a bright moon into a crescent device, moving it back to one's own home and shining with the Milky Way.

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