2019年第24届中国国际厨房、卫浴设施展览会(以下简称“上海厨卫展”)于5月27-30日在上海新国际博览中心隆重举行。来自世界各地的厨卫品牌,在这场“卫浴奥斯卡”上纷纷发大招。PChouse太平洋家居网全程直击上海厨卫展,并有幸采访到为鹰卫浴总经理Javier Iglesias先生,一起听他对行业的独到见解。
The 24th KITCHEN&BATHROOM CHINA (hereinafter referred as’ KBC’) was held from May 27, 2019 to May 30, 2019 at Shanghai New International Expo Center. Kitchen and bathroom brands from all over the world have made great performance in this grand global event. PChouse went straight to the KBC exhibition site and got the precious opportunity to interview Mr. Javier Iglesias, the General Manager of Ying Bathroom Products, to listen to his own distinctive opinions of the industry.
受访者:鹰卫浴总经理Javier Iglesias先生
Guest:Mr. Javier Iglesias (general manager of Ying)
【PChouse】It’s reported that the design of this exhibition hall has used the element of water to show the idea of “Carefree, Non Excessive, Sustainable”, so could you share the meaning with us please?
【Mr. Javier Iglesias】In bathroom, a lot of people feel like smart living. So, it basically based on three different parts. The first one is ‘Carefree’, that means we did everything design with kind of technology in our products, in order to have a very stable quality. To make sure that whatever we deliver to our customers, it will comply with the commitments that we cast in terms of quality and service. Also, we care about the part after sales service. So, to customers, our idea is that we need to understand the problems of our customers. We need to be able to give them solutions as well as the promise we have. That’s way we investing some new technology in order to make the life easier and solve the problems for our customers in time. The second pillar is “Sustainable”, we use environmental friendly materials in our collections. We are also doing a lot of investments on it, in order to be able to make this in the factories without any bad influence to the environment and the society. So we improving produce processes and materials to make sure that even the high quality of our approach, we are trying to make the whole system susceptive. Also in terms of saving customer’s problem we estimates, so they don't have very affordable problems but have a vary good quality that could fulfill the needs of our customers. The next one is ‘Non Excessive’, stands that our designs are thought to be friendly designs for the customers, no excessive designs but focus on the real needs of customers. That's why we found with a full team of designers in our company, we are focusing on following the research and development process with the company in order to make possible to deliver the needed products in the market.
【PChouse】Nowadays, consumers are pursuing personality, comfort and health in life quality, so will Ying show any new products in this exhibition? Could you share some special highlights in design and function of one specific product with us please?
【Mr. Javier Iglesias】 well, our company trying to focus a lot on this aspect, especially the new trend in China. We are launching a lot of products, at least for new clothes with new technologies, we are introducing now they're not controlled that makes easier for the functioning. Some of our smart toilets, we also investing the new technology to have the outdoor open, to make sure that the quality will be stable, and also to make sure that the accessories will be stable even in the long future. That's why we are investing a lot in new technologies, new kinds of glazing, to make antibacterial glazing and etc.. We invest a lot in our factory, to have really potential materials, raising high pressure machines, also improving our assembly lines, to make possible that we could to deliver good quality of the products.
【PChouse】As we all know that Ying is famous for its technique, what are the advantages of Ying when compared with its competitors in technology?
【Mr. Javier Iglesias】Ying, everyone knows that the quality of Ying, is we are the manufacturing of products, always based on a best possible quality to deliver to our customers. This is also from a manufacturing point of view, we can also realize that the quality is the is the key point on the basis for any of the approaches we do.
That's why we have a very strong a finite control systems in our factories to make sure that the products we process are accord with what we promised to the customers. Yeah. Also, as we mentioning before, we are also investing a lot in all these processes and improving processes and technologies in the factories to make possible that these qualities are stable and with a minimum impact on the environment.
【PChouse】It is reported that Ying will sign up with the third < Secret Homage To Hero> of CCTV 2, what is the cooperation point? Why do you choose this program?
【Mr. Javier Iglesias】Well, you know, < Secret Homage To Hero > is the third season now. We believe that the message provided by this kind of collaboration between CCTV2 and Ying bathroom, um, it's going to be important for us, not only because it gives us also the expansion provided by the China CCTV, but also because this television programme is something that improve the quality of life, this idea in fact, has been already done in Ying for long time ago. We developed a lot of activities in the past in order to improve the quality of our life, let's say to advantage all people living, you know, it’s very far away in the mountains, so we have done really a lot of activities in the past. We need to make the life of this type of people’s life a little bit easier. So this is also in our primary business, it's something that we really think that is really very important for us. And this is a very strategy collaboration for admission, because it joins our main goal, which is also to make life easier to our customers. We also consider that all the companies in the world they should have a social responsibility, we think this collaborations that CCTV is also to strengthen this kind of ideology of social responsibility, and to really improving the quality of life.
【PChouse】Since this TV program cooperates with lots of famous designers, so maybe in addition to the quality, Ying will promote more fancy products?
【Mr. Javier Iglesias】Yeah, sure. I mean, within this philosophy of ‘non excessive’, our designs are thought to be fancy designs, but extravagant designs. But it's true that Chinese market requires a lot of innovation of new products. So we get a whole team of designers in the company working for us. We get collaborate with many famous designers also in the past. And we are going to collaborate many famous programs in the future, in order to catch up the new trend in China, especially young customers that requires especial design. Because the different generations have different likes and dislikes. So we want to catch up the strength to make sure the designs that we deliver to the market in accord with what the market is needing. We also focus on internal design. We think our internal design is very good acceptance in the market, but of course we will also collaborate with external designs, so we can find something new in order to improve the needs of the marketing.
【PChouse】What’s the promotion programs for Ying in the future?
【Mr. Javier Iglesias】Yes, now our marketing department is working a lot. You know what we calculate to work with CCTV2. And we are also in collaboration with some online and offline promotional activities for digital marketing and also for traditional marketing. We are also pushing a lot through our master dealers as we have a very strong master dealer channel, they have a lot of knowledge and strong capability which can really supply and also solve the problems of our estimates of the market. We are also working on some marketing support activities, like doing billboards, like doing booth-shows and ready to show the strength of this brand in the market. But we know that there is a long way to go because China is a very competitive market, there are lots of people and companies involved in the market. And we know that we need to test a lot of things in the future.
【PChouse】Do you have any other promtion or idea that want to share with us?
【Mr. Javier Iglesias】No. I mean, basically to say that Ying brand is a very good brands. He has been worked in this field for many years, It's a brand who has been always link to the idea of good quality develops. Ok. So this is our main points to promote quality of goods. I'm always introducing you and three new technologies. That's why we are also enforcing a lot of our departments. We are doing a lot of investment for new technologies in the loop. And we are sure that in the future we have a lot of room to grow in China, to reach as many as many families in China, to be able to solve more problems of our customers.