pchouse吴佳佳、吴焰超 2016-4-12 17:28:32

  【太平洋家居网 设计频道】“细想万物如何在自然中成长,即使处于不太适合的情况下,花卉植物也能从一道石缝、一点水养、甚至路边的一堆尘土中偷偷冒出……寻找太阳的照耀,显露其同一的辉煌与热情。”这是著名海外华人设计师卢志荣先生对「石上生花」系列花器的精彩解说。2016年米兰设计周期间,「石上生花」系列花器首次在卢志荣的「方圆之间」DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO Italia 与「一方」1 ness 最新系列家具与物品展览中发表,展品带给现场的是无限的喜悦和创新体验。

Stone Vase 5 石上生花-5



  【卢志荣】我第一次参加米兰展是在1995年,这一届是我第22次参展了。每一年,我只会挑选那些在设计和制作工艺上达到我要求的家具与物品展出。 我每年对此环球盛事都怀着同样的盼望,希望藉此庆典彰显探索的重要性、分享发现的喜悦,传递尝试与体验新事物、新思维的快乐。这为人类在提升生命与生活本质的追求上提供了殷实的基础,以及不可或缺的动力和乐观信心,正是这种追求,推动着米兰展不断完善,在稳步向前的同时,迸溅灵感的火花。

  It has been since 1995, this must be the 22nd time to participate in the International Salone del Mobile in Milan. For each year and without exception, I presented only those furniture and objects that were in line with my expectation, both in design and making. I wish, and I always wish every year, to see this global event as an annual celebration to recognize the important of exploration, to share the joy of discovery, of experimenting and experiencing new possibilities and idea. These are, after all, the substance and the indispensable momentum and optimism in the quest for the betterment of life and living that propel the Salone forward, validly and inspiringly.

Stone Vase 2  石上生花-2



  I can not emphasize more. Seeing requires a sensitive mind and an open heart. We must not look for what we want to see, particularly amidst the public life in a city like Milan. Getting lost in the historical center could be an experience, how often I marveled over the cobble stones, the curb, the cast-iron drainage grating, the narrow meandering paves that leads from nowhere to suddenly another world, another pace of life, another scent and colour. The creative impulse may have the least to do with the so called "design". Life, the city, the people, their culture, history, custom, mentality... continue to be valuable lessons and references for anyone whose eyes can pierce through the surface of this materialistic world.

Ink Stone Water Feature 4  端溪观石-4

Ink Stone Water Feature 5  端溪观石-5



  I still believe the best museum is the city itself, the city in action, the city that has all the layers of history and traces of their vicissitudes recorded on the stone and bricks of so many artifacts and buildings. It is not so easy to run into a bad restaurant in Milan because the pride of Milanese, and Italian in general, prevents such wrecked enterprise.




  DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO®及“一方”创办人,著名海外华人设计师,以建筑、空间、家具设计享誉欧洲。他一直以对理念的净化、诗意的诠释、细节的关注备受意大利及国际设计界的推崇,是极少数被意大利当代设计界所认可的华裔设计师。


  卢志荣创办的DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO®是在他密切监督下于意大利生产的家具品牌,他活跃于意大利的设计领域已二十多年,其“永恒的设计”得到国际广泛的关注,以至许多早年的作品依然被继续追捧。2015年,他创立了新品牌“一方”,旨在融汇古今智慧与感悟,以物品的创作重申永恒、简洁和本质之道。同时,卢志荣还创作了一系列雕塑,他的艺术个展在意大利及东南亚地区当代画廊展出,作品被国际收藏家垂青。

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