Shashi Caan作品集:超越时尚的设计
pchouse佚名 2015-3-27 09:50:25

  【太平洋家居网 设计频道】“我喜欢设计一些富有沉浸感的事物,比如透视画,它可以让你有身临其境之感……”Shashii Caan,一位集设计领袖、教育家、作家于一身的设计界杰出代表。她历任两届国际室内建筑师及设计师联盟主席、国际设计联盟的前行政主席及现任执委会成员,亦曾出任帕森设计学院室内设计系系主任;她在世界各地的设计会议和大学,都是位广受欢迎的讲者;以她的名字命名的工作室“The Shashi Caan Collective”,为客户提供建筑、室内设计、产品设计和品牌推广等多方面的创新方案……


  项目一:Evolution House

  客户: The Edinburgh College of Art (爱丁堡艺术学院)

  地址: 英国苏格兰爱丁堡

  设计说明:Evolution House是爱丁堡艺术学院的管理和教学的主要阵地,此建筑旨在把那些租用多个办公室的企业汇集在一个有创新动力的学院里。

  The Evolution House is the main administration and prime teaching facility For the ECA. The project aimed to transform a multi-tenant corporate space into a window into the creative world of the college.

  Evolution House
Evolution House

  项目二:Boys & Girls Harbor




  Exploring experiential learning methodologies and state of the art and experimental / flexible classrooms, the project utilizes natural light, space and architecture to promote optimal learning in the urban city context.

  Boys & Girls Harbor
Boys & Girls Harbor

  项目三:The Mohawk Group Flagship Showroom




  A first for Mohawk, this flagship showroom was designed to host seven significant and distinct carpet and flooring brands, connected (functionally and metaphorically) by a curtain, weaving through all carpet brands.

  The Mohawk Group Flagship
The Mohawk Group Flagship


  项目四:Inver House Distillers




  The project focused on reaching their growing international ambitions while maintaining their award winning Scottish identity. The re-organization of the building users into the logical core groups helped to group business occupants together, making the building’s spatial use more rational and effective.

  Inver House Distillers
Inver House Distillers


  客户: Carnegie Science Center

  地址: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  设计说明:With the integration of art and science, “E-motion” is an interactive sculptural installation designed to ‘mark’ the science museum. The sculpture actively changes from day to night. E-Motion has become a commanding symbol for the Carnegie Science Center in the city of Pittsburgh.


  项目六:ECA Master Plan and Connector Bridge

  客户: The Edinburgh College of Art (ECA)

  地址:: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

  设计说明:ECA Connector Bridge - As part of the new master plan for the ECA, a “connector bridge” was required to link the new Evolution House to the ECA’s main building and Art College. Surrounded by views of historic context, the connector lightly inserts itself into the overall campus, framing views of the surrounding campus and city.

  ECA Master Plan and Conne
ECA Master Plan and Conne

  项目七:Spatial Color

  地址: Architectural Digest Home Design Show, New York

  设计说明:Bridging Art with Science, Spatial Color was an exciting project which obtained comprehensive color knowledge in the built environment. This three room installation experiment documented behavioral reactions through the observational recording of visceral and the physiological human response as measured through empirical means. Studying three color immersions simultaneously, a comparative analysis of the colors relative to each other was also carefully conducted.

  Spatial Color
Spatial Color




  作为汇聚及弘扬亚洲设计力量的平,香港设计中心每年均邀请海外及本地专业设计师和业界组成「亚洲最具影响力设计奖」国际评审团。今届评审团代表超过20位,分别来自中国内地、香港、日本、韩国、马来西亚、英国及美国的设计界翘楚, The Collective US/UK创会主席Shashi CAAN也是評審的其中一位。

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